(802) 238-8622 nan@nanpatrickknows.com

Individual close after the party or facial

After you talk about the sets and how they come, and you have asked the 4 questions, you will either be closing one on one in person, or you will have told the guests that you will call them all after the zoom.  Believe it or not, they do answer the phone on these occasions.

  1. Did you have a good time? (they always say yes)
  2. What would you like to take today? When your customer answers you, check her answer on if money were no object, what would you take home today?  If the customer is ordering less than she would ideally like, you might want to work out a payment plan.  Always have  her credit card information, and agree on a date you will put in the amounts. Do not put yourself in the position of chasing a customer for money.
  3. Let’s talk about what you want to do for your second appointment. (Once you get an answer, book the second appointment.)
  4. Would you like to do your second session just you and I, or would you like to help me meet more people and would you like to get free products? If your customer wants to do a group, go over the hostess program with her.  Here is mine.


Thank you customer and follow up. Get her stuff ordered or delivered the next day. You want to make a great first impression. If the customer has booked a party, text her the next day to encourage her to get you her guest list. The customer gets $20 of free products for doing  that. Make sure she is aware of that.