(802) 238-8622 nan@nanpatrickknows.com

Party Close and…4 very important questions

After the presentation, you will want to go over what you talked about in your presentation.

Creating sets is the easiest for your customers to digest.  Usually, the first presentation is skin care and foundation

  1. Skin care sets…Timewise 3D, Timewise Repair, Mary Kay Naturally, The botanical set, ClearProof
  2. The foundation set…the foundation, the brush, and the foundation primer.

If they have done the Skin Analyzer App, there will be skin supplements they might want.

If they do 4 or more sets…I give away the Travel roll up bag as a gift…$35 value.  Now…you are asking, what is a set? Don’t worry, I’ve got you. Read on.

If they do the Miracle 3D set, count that as 2 sets. If they do the Timewise Repair, Count that as 3 sets. Any combination of products over $50 will count as another set. Example…the foundation set is from $54-59, depending on the foundation she chooses, that would be another set, or the micro dermabrasion set is $55…that would count as another set. Say they wanted the Eye Patches and Eye makeup remover,  the total would be $57.  That would be another set.  You may want to offer 4 or 5 other sets for your customers to choose from. You can create your own set combinations.   If this confuses you, ask me…that is what I am here for.

The Four Questions


If you are doing a video party or facial, have her text you these answers.  At this point, give them your cell phone number.

  1. At your second appointment (side note…you will talk about how they get two appointments all through your first presentation) At your second appointment, what would you like to do? A spa experience? Or a makeup and color session?
  2. What was the thing you heard or learned today that struck you the most?
  3. If money were no object, what would you like to take home (or order) today?
  4. This is for the business…you can write A. B. C. or D.
  5. I would like to hear about becoming  a very part time beauty consultant where I would service friends and family and get my products wholesale or get my products for free from profits.
  6. I could use $500 or more a month, I would like to hear about using a MK business as a second stream of income
  7. I would like to make a lot of money using Mary Kay as my business vehicle. I want to hear more about that.
  8. I would prefer to remain a happy MK customer paying full price.