(802) 238-8622 nan@nanpatrickknows.com


Funding your new business with investors
Funding your new business with investors

Welcome to the world of business!

Business is a wonderful journey.  Being in control and setting the pace of your life is exhilarating.  Setting your own hours, being paid for your efforts…not what the job is paying, and at the end of the day, you can say, “I built this”.

Starting a business is not like getting a job.  Someone else put the money up, and you are told what to do and when to do it.  Someone else determines how you get paid, and even how often you get paid.  When you own your own business, you make an investment in yourself.

Very few people have the money sitting around a checking account or savings account to open a business.  Even if they do, using other’s money to fund your business is a better practice.

All successful businesses borrow money.  There are two obvious ways to use other’s money.  You either borrow from a bank, or you borrow from investors who believe in you and/or they believe in your business idea.

Most businesses require much more money than a business with Mary Kay.  If you were to open a makeup store in your hometown, your sign for your shop would cost more than an  entire full store in Mary Kay.  Plus you would have fit up costs (fixtures…lights…makeup counters…cash registers…window design), rent, payroll, advertising costs, utilities, and many more items.  Then you would have at least $100,000 in inventory!  Yikes!

Fortunately, a Mary Kay business is much less stressful, and the payoff can be as profitable if not more profitable than your retail store downtown.  Are there expenses?  Yes.  Those expenses are peanuts compared to that crazy, expensive retail store downtown.  I do want you to know that starting your Mary Kay business has very low start-up costs… these start-up costs contribute to making your dreams of success come true.

Here is a laundry list of start-up costs you don’t already have.  Let’s assume you already have a smart phone and access to the internet.  These items can now be a business expense and you get to write them off of your tax bill…a beautiful thing.

Back to the laundry list…Starter kit, Website, Business Cards, Propay (the way you take credit cards), tax, shopping bags and shipping.