(802) 238-8622 nan@nanpatrickknows.com
When is a Purchase Worth it?

I consider myself a careful shopper. Careful shopper? What does that mean? Several criteria go into that answer.

When purchasing an item, these are some of the questions I may ask myself.

  1. How often will you wear this?
  2. What do you have that goes with this?
  3. Is the price in line with this item?

If you are buying a dressy item, you may not wear it frequently, so be conscious of how trendy it might be. You don’t want to look dated in five years when you pull it out for a swanky wedding, for example.

If the item is casual, it’s easier. Either you love it and will wear it often, or it’s just ok.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time for just ok.

If you don’t have choices in what you could wear with a particular item, it might not be for you.  Once, I bought a fabulous leather suit. It was black tipped with bronze. I didn’t own shoes or the greatest tops to wear with it. If that outfit was black tipped with silver, I would have had all sorts of items to pair with it.

Last…price. Is it worth it? We all have our comfort level in that arena. You get to establish what that means for you. When you are sale shopping, be careful to put the item under the scrutiny you would for a full priced item. It’s not a good buy if it gets home and sits in your closet.

If an item is gorgeous and more than you usually spend, ask yourself…have I seen anything like this for less? A good example is cashmere sweaters. They are everywhere…boutiques and discount stores. If you are going to spend top dollar for that sweater, make sure the details and fit make it outstanding.

The reason I am writing this post is because I bought a pair of shoes which were more expensive than my comfort level. I had the conversation with myself. Yes, I would wear these often. Yes, I have tons to wear with them.  I often wear navy. I also have many items which aren’t navy but look fabulous with navy, such as wine and gray.

Were these booties worth it?  I believe so. To some, the following might sound like justification.  Maybe so, I do tend to have that conversation before a purchase which is not in my typical price range.

They are extremely comfortable and it’s a style I haven’t seen anywhere else. They were a color I didn’t own in a boot or bootie. The shoe came in black, navy, or grey. I already have black and grey shoes and boots. Navy won.

I have been having fun seeing what my Eileen Fisher boots go with in my closet. I posted a few of many options.

If you are thinking, “oh my! I never know if something is a wise choice”, I am here for you! Reach out.

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