Jewelry creates a mood and texture. MARY KAY gives me lots of gifts. Every month I get a piece of jewelry as a thank you. It’s so nice to be appreciated. Some I give away, and some I keep. Love these earrings and necklace by RJ Graziano. #myMKlife

Jewelry creates a mood and texture. MARY KAY gives me lots of gifts. Every month I get a piece of jewelry as a thank you. It’s so nice to be appreciated. Some I give away, and some I keep. Love these earrings and necklace by RJ Graziano. #myMKlife
Sheri Miter, the host of “Discover Your Calling”, had me as a guest speaker. We spoke about the various seasons of my business life. So far, I would...
I am a huge fan of VPR. It's my go-to station when I am in the car. I had a listener crush on Meghna Chakrabarti...until yesterday. They were...
This past summer, I was at a workshop and was asked to extol my thoughts on women feeling pushy for the Vermont Mom blog...Too pushy! Now, that’s a...
Even hiking… I am wearing my MK “must-haves”. The cc cream has sunscreen, keeps the bacteria out and my moisturizer in, the rest just makes me feel...
#MyMKLife…it’s a hashtag Mary Kay suggested we use a couple of years ago. It’s handy. It covers a wide range for me. As I sit in the plane from...
Who doesn’t like being appreciated? How many times does someone say, “I appreciate what you just did”? Mary Kay does it all of the time…in the form...
I received these earrings as a gift last summer from MARY KAY. I just started to wear them and appreciate their versatility. A warm pink blends...
I did this appointment in my tee shirt and shorts via zoom. It was a Saturday morning. We had the nicest time, talking about life, sipping coffee,...
I was looking around my house and realized how many pieces of furniture, clothing, jewelry, and household items were gifts from Mary Kay. Here are...
For me, I need flexibility. With twenty seven years in the retail business behind me, I treasure the ability to work when I chose. I am still in...
I wrote the below article on Confidence for Mary Kay in 2018. What does confident mean to me? Sometimes, it’s as natural as breathing. ...
Mary Kay is all about recognition. My home and my closet are filled with gifts from the company. You may ask, what is your favorite prize? It was...