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(802) 238-8622
Direct Selling…Sincere or Scam

Direct Selling…Sincere or Scam

I am a huge fan of VPR. It’s my go-to station when I am in the car. I had a listener crush on Meghna Chakrabarti…until yesterday. They were blasting MLM’s on her program, On Point. Whoa! Hold on Meghna!   There were some valid criticisms, but...
Fashion From all Angles

Fashion From all Angles

How many things do you have hanging on your walls? How often do you really, I mean really, look at them? This is a framed gift from the Burlington Free Press. I received it eons ago. I haven’t read it or studied the photo in years. What a flattering note from Ed...
Am I Too Pushy?

Am I Too Pushy?

This past summer, I was at a workshop and was asked to extol my thoughts on women feeling pushy for the Vermont Mom blog… Too pushy! Now, that’s a hot button topic for me! I wish I could remember when being “too pushy” first became an issue in my life. When I...
Seminar 2018 Reflections

Seminar 2018 Reflections

#MyMKLife…it’s a hashtag Mary Kay suggested we use a couple of years ago. It’s handy.  It covers a wide range for me.  As I sit in the plane  from Dallas to NYC, and home to Burlington VT, I get to reflect on my MK life. I am returning from the big Mary Kay convention...
Nan on Confidence

Nan on Confidence

I wrote the below article on Confidence for Mary Kay in 2018.     What does confident mean to me?  Sometimes, it’s as natural as breathing.  Other times?  Phew!  Why do I feel fear?   Am I afraid of being judged?  Perhaps.  Am I afraid of looking stupid? ...