(802) 238-8622 nan@nanpatrickknows.com
No more Undereye Puffiness…Ever!

No more Undereye Puffiness…Ever!

I now have three items to offer you to de-puff your eyes.  It can be confusing. Let me simplify this for you. The first item is Indulge Soothing Eye Gel.  It is the least expensive item addressing puffy eyes. It soothes tired eyes and adds a bit of moisture. Your eyes...
Maxi Skirts…what length?

Maxi Skirts…what length?

Skirt lengths have been going up and down since the 1920’s.  Maxi lengths ebb and flow on the fashion scene, but they don’t disappear. They were big in the late sixties, and they are strong again now. What are your thoughts about them?  I like them, they are...
Brows are the Gateway to Your Face

Brows are the Gateway to Your Face

  Brows are the gateway to your face. They create a balance, and without them, you can look older and certainly less noticeable. Here a couple of things to know about brows. Like fashion, brow styles change.   Right now, full, triangle brows are all the rage. ...
Do You Know which Neutrals Work Best?

Do You Know which Neutrals Work Best?

I posted a photo on social media last week. I love to ask what others think about various fashion topics. Who looked best in the beige and crème outfit?  A blonde or a brunette. Most thought the blonde would look better; I would agree.  This is the photo.  ...
Do You Try New Looks?

Do You Try New Looks?

How often do you try a new makeup look?  For some, it’s a fun adventure, a way to exercise your artistic flair.  For others, it creates anxiety. You like what you have, and if it’s not broke, don’t fix it. I tried an idea today. I did a cat eye, and instead of filling...
Are you an Unmade Bed?

Are you an Unmade Bed?

When I looked at the woman in the red duster, I thought of an unmade bed.  The visual of the unmade bed vs the clean and crisp room says a lot. When you walk into a cluttered room, how does it make you feel?  How about when you have just washed the sheets and your bed...
Makeup Colors…What works for You?

Makeup Colors…What works for You?

When it comes to makeup colors, some want it all, others? Not so much. Before I became a fan of “Color Me Beautiful”, I thought one could wear any color as long it was enhanced by the right makeup colors. To a degree, I still concur. For instance, if you love olive...
Please…Change your Handbag!

Please…Change your Handbag!

When I speak to groups about image, I usually address handbags. I ask, “how many of you use the same bag every day?” Usually, at least half the group raises their hand. I then ask for a volunteer who raised their hand. She shares her bag with the group. It is often...
Mini Spa with Eye Patches

Mini Spa with Eye Patches

People say I never change. That’s hilarious. In a couple of weeks, I will turn 68. I certainly don’t look 25 anymore. I will admit, my skin is holding up quite well. Personal care is important to me. I generally eat well, I usually have good night sleeps, I move my...
When brown is NOT your color

When brown is NOT your color

Brown is not an intrinsically good color on me. I like it though. What’s the solution? Wear makeup with works on your face and blends with the color you are wearing…in this case, brown. Take a look at this video to give you a quick look using brown and...
Direct Selling…Sincere or Scam

Direct Selling…Sincere or Scam

I am a huge fan of VPR. It’s my go-to station when I am in the car. I had a listener crush on Meghna Chakrabarti…until yesterday. They were blasting MLM’s on her program, On Point. Whoa! Hold on Meghna!   There were some valid criticisms, but...
Glam Look for Real People

Glam Look for Real People

Do you watch makeup videos you can’t relate to? Too young? They make it look so easy? This is the real deal, live from my bathroom. Mistakes and all. We are human, we are designed to make mistakes.  Happily, makeup is one of the easier errors to fix.  Grab...
Fashion From all Angles

Fashion From all Angles

How many things do you have hanging on your walls? How often do you really, I mean really, look at them? This is a framed gift from the Burlington Free Press. I received it eons ago. I haven’t read it or studied the photo in years. What a flattering note from Ed...
When is a Purchase Worth it?

When is a Purchase Worth it?

I consider myself a careful shopper. Careful shopper? What does that mean? Several criteria go into that answer. When purchasing an item, these are some of the questions I may ask myself. How often will you wear this? What do you have that goes with this? Is the price...
Holiday Parties…What do I Wear?

Holiday Parties…What do I Wear?

Do you experience anxiety when you are dressing for a holiday party? Do you feel you have to run out and get something new? If getting a new outfit excites you, go for it. Shop away. If you are not that person, there are a couple of things you can do. One…you can go...
Visual Overkill

Visual Overkill

When I look at this photo, I am overloaded with visual information. What do you look at? There is so much going on that my eye can’t get back to the model’s face.  I love mixing prints, but I also like the mix to tell a story. What do the boots have to do...
Accessories Make a Difference

Accessories Make a Difference

When I looked at this photo, I said to myself, “oh no, wrong.” I bet she was running out to do a quick errand. I would guess, when one has a bright blue dress coat, there are other outerwear options in her closet. Either change the shoes or change into a more casual...
Why Do I Choose Mary Kay?

Why Do I Choose Mary Kay?

I go to my dermatologist at least once a year for body checks. I want to make sure I am on top of anything that looks like a pre-cancer spot. Did you know that most of our sun damage happens by the time we are eighteen? How many of us grew up using anything we could...
When you Know it’s Right!

When you Know it’s Right!

I went shopping last week-end and I tried on about five pairs of pants. Nope. That was not a pants day for me.  Everything was cut too straight. I’m thin. What about women who have more meat on their bones? Funny how a legging can be more flattering than a straight...